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Motion Metrics International Supports Graduate Scholarships, Research

Motion Metrics International and ICICS have recently created the Motion Metrics/ICICS Graduate Scholarship. The $5,000 annual award will be granted to a Masters or PhD student who is supervised by an ICICS member, with preference given to students who have demonstrated excellence in multidisciplinary, application-oriented research. Students do not apply for the award, it is […]

Musical Dialogues: Hearing the Conversation Unfold

Musical Dialogues: Hearing the Conversation Unfold

Alfredo Santa Ana, Wall Composer In Residence presents Musical Dialogues: Hearing the Conversation Unfold with David Gillham, UBC School of Music (violin), and Rebecca Wenham (cello). Plato’s dialogues capture the evolution of an exchange between two characters, and present a linear progression of arguments unfolding through the text. In music, the listener is presented with […]