Becoming a Full (Associate) Member
Prospective ICICS full and associate members need to be sponsored by a full ICICS member. To apply to become a full (associate) ICICS member, submit the following documents to the ICICS Director, via
- Sponsorship email for full (associate) membership, submitted by sponsor and signed by sponsor, applicant’s department/unit head, and applicant.
- Applicant’s CV with phone, email, and postal contact information, attached to sponsorship email.
Renewing Full (Associate) Membership
Full (associate) members need to renew their membership every 5 (2) years, by submitting the following documents to the ICICS Director, via
- Applicant email for renewal of full (associate) membership, submitted by applicant and signed by applicant and applicant’s department/unit head.
- Updated CV with phone, email, and postal contact information, attached to applicant email.