Support Programs

To increase the impact of our members’ multidisciplinary research, we have expanded the scope of support we offer for related activities. Examples of support available to ICICS members are listed below; requests for other forms of support will also be considered.

Support is limited to $1,000 per member per year, subject to availability of funds. Pooled requests from members may exceed this amount, and are encouraged if multidisciplinary in nature. Requests supporting cluster development will be given priority.

Support requests are made using the Letter of Intent for ICICS Member Support form. Requests that build upon previous ICICS support should summarize how that support led to the current request. Please submit the completed form to If applying for conference travel support, please also include a completed Conference Support Application form.

Requests are reviewed monthly. As allocations approach the monthly maximum, requests from longstanding, active ICICS members will be prioritized.


Examples of ICICS Support

Multidisciplinary grant-writing support:

  • CV support—data entry, formatting (UBC Hiring Solutions at roughly $30/hr)
  • Proofreading (outsourced at roughly $50/hr)
  • Substantive/structural editing (outsourced at roughly $90/hr)
  • Writing (outsourced at roughly $125/hr)


  • Multidisciplinary workshop arrangements/financial support: e.g., catering (non-alcoholic)/AV/promotion
  • Equipment repair (if purchased via previous ICICS CFI grant)
  • Conference travel support (economy-class airfare) for ICICS-affiliated graduate students. Please complete the Conference Support Application form and include it with your completed Letter of Intent.
  • Travel costs to bring Distinguished Lecturers to ICICS (member-initiated); lecture room
  • Research promotion logistical and/or financial support: e.g., brochure layout/printing, poster printing (UBC IT Print Services or off-campus)
  • Dr. Frank and Dr. Gordon Forward Commercialization Fellowships for Masters or PhD students with an undergraduate degree in Science or Engineering