ICICS membership is open to any UBC researcher interested in pursuing collaborative, multidisciplinary research in advanced technologies systems. Researchers at other universities or research/industrial organizations who collaborate with ICICS members may also be eligible.
Why Become an ICICS Member?
ICICS members:
- benefit from a number of ICICS member Support Programs, including support for their graduate students
- have access to leading-edge ICICS facilities
- have access to a wide range of companies and other academic researchers through ICICS
- benefit from ICICS workshops/events promoting collaboration with industry and other academic researchers, locally, nationally, and internationally
- may sponsor students and research staff for access to shared ICICS facilities
- may sponsor other researchers to become Full Members or Associate Members.
Becoming an ICICS Member
Please review the ICICS Membership Guidelines to see whether you should apply for full or associate membership, then visit the ICICS Membership Application/Renewal page for application instructions. Membership applications are reviewed every January.