Returning to ICICS: Step 3

As of July 2, 2021, we are implementing new guidelines governing return to ICICS, in accordance with the move toward Step 3 of the BC Restart Plan by the Province and UBC. We have developed these guidelines with the full agreement of the Faculties of Science and Applied Science, and have updated the ICICS Intermediate Safety Plan accordingly. We are following UBC’s streamlined safety plan process, with seven different UBC-wide safety plans now covering various spaces and activities. Note, these do not require customization, just implementation,

The ICICS building will remain locked until September, but students, staff, and faculty who wish to return to the ICICS building to work and study may do so, provided they have key fob access (contact to renew/request access). We have all had to be agile in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, and must remain open to the possibility that things could change rapidly in the coming weeks, depending on the course of the pandemic. 

Currently we encourage you to return to ICICS, provided you adhere to the following requirements:

  • If you have not already done so, you must complete the online UBC Go Forward COVID-19 Safety Planning Training (Vancouver). Keep the completion certificate, but you do not need to submit it at the present time.
  • Perform the BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment before you come to campus.  If you or anyone else in your household are feeling ill, please stay home.  You no longer need to submit the self-assessment form at the present time.
  • Use your own cardkey when accessing the building and shared rooms.  We are required to maintain a list of people who have been on-site in case contact tracing is required.  If everybody uses their own cardkey, then we don’t need to re-institute a sign-in system.
  • Disposable wipes and spray bottles containing a sanitizing alcohol solution have been provided in all shared spaces and are available for use.  Please use these to sanitize any shared surfaces you may have touched before you depart a room (including the door handle).  If supplies are exhausted, email .
  • We expect that occupancy will remain relatively low, so please be sure to follow these security guidelines:
    • Do not let anyone into the building.
    • Ensure that all doors and windows are closed and locked when leaving a room.
    • Do not leave valuables visible.
Wearing masks indoors and practicing physical distancing are recommended.
For more information, please contact