ICICS Director on Advisory Board of Proposed Rogers THINKLab
April 28, 2022
As Relationship Manager of the UBC-Rogers partnership on 5G research, ICICS Director Robert Rohling will contribute his knowledge of matching academic and industry needs in his role on the Advisory Council.
Blockchain@UBC Cluster Featured on CBC TV
Dr. Vicki Lemieux, who leads the Blockchain@UBC ICICS research cluster, was featured in a recent CBC Vancouver TV story about blockchain technology. Dr. Lemieux discussed her team’s work on a “Personal Health Wallet” that allows individuals to take control of their health records. The interview with Dr. Lemieux starts at 4:40 in this video from […]
Media Coverage: UBC-Rogers Partnership Projects Highlighted in Business in Vancouver
April 7, 2022
An article in Business in Vancouver includes a report on president and CEO of Rogers Communications, Tony Staffieri’s, recent visit to UBC’s Vancouver campus.