Addressing the Healthcare Crisis at the Leading Edge
January 31, 2023
Dr. Kendall Ho, Digital Emergency Medicine lead in UBC’s Faculty of Medicine and a practicing emergency department physician at Vancouver General Hospital, is leading a multidisciplinary effort supported by the UBC-Rogers partnership to address the healthcare crisis in the emergency department with new patient monitoring technologies.
New Ventures Joining HATCH
We would like to welcome some promising new ventures entering the HATCH Venture Builder in ICICS. Brief descriptions follow, with links to the venture websites for more information. Verdi: Irrigation Automation. Verdi customizes water & fertilizer for individual groups of plants. This reduces the cost of irrigation automation by up to 80% and enables growers […]
HATCH/e@UBC Food Ventures Focused on Sustainability and Responsible Sourcing
The HATCH Venture Builder (“HATCH“) is UBC’s late-stage accelerator for technological and social innovations with strong commercial potential. A collaboration between ICICS and entrepreneurship@UBC, HATCH provides teams with the space, resources, and expertise they need to succeed. Sustainability is an important focus for HATCH. Here, we profile three ventures that are making an impact on sustainability and responsible sourcing […]