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ICICS and NSERC Co-sponsor Industry Dinner

There is a generally acknowledged need for university researchers in disciplines represented by the ICICS membership to make their collaborations with industry more meaningful. The funding agencies want to see more return on their investment: funded projects that produce results translated to society through industry. To this end, ICICS hosted a reception and dinner at […]

$931,000 in Tax Credits for ICICS-Incubated Start-up Company

Having recently celebrated his company’s tenth anniversary, Shahram Tafazoli, founder and president of Motion Metrics International Corp., couldn’t have asked for a better birthday present. On August 12, 2009, the federal Minister of National Revenue, Jean-Pierre Blackburn, presented Tafazoli with a cheque for $931,000 in Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED;) tax credits. This amount […]