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ICICS/ECE/Industry Dependable Computing Day

ICICS/ECE/Industry Dependable Computing Day

On February 27,  industry, academic and government researchers converged at UBC to address the challenges and opportunities in dependable computing. Presenters were from industry and government labs such as AMD, AT&T, IBM, Los Alamos, Microsoft, Nvidia and SAP. The event was organized by Professor Karthik Pattabiraman (ECE), and co-sponsored by ICICS and the department of Electrical […]

ICICS and the Next Generation of Bionics Devices

ICICS and the Next Generation of Bionics Devices

The ICICS Bionics Network  is focusing on the future of bionics and the next generation of bio-integrated devices. Led by ICICS member and electrical and computer engineering professor John Madden, the Bionics Network connects over two dozen principal investigators at UBC, Simon Fraser University and the University of Victoria, working in areas such as advanced […]

ICICS Bionics Network Update