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14 New Teams Join HATCH Venture Builder
14 New Teams Join HATCH Venture Builder

14 New Teams Join HATCH Venture Builder

The new HATCH cohort of 14 teams is solving large-scale and wide-ranging problems across climate, human health and social impact, whilst creating new markets and applications for technologies and innovation. Learn more about the Venture Builder Program and the new cohort.        

The HATCH Serial Entrepreneur: Optimism against All Odds

The HATCH Serial Entrepreneur: Optimism against All Odds

  Isolation, the perpetual threat of illness, and supply chain disruptions in the third year of the pandemic, compounded by the ominous portent of severe weather events, can challenge the optimism of even the most glass half-full people. But not some of the entrepreneurs coming out of the HATCH startup accelerator at UBC. Six years […]

$24M Spinal Cord Repair Project Funded
$24 Million Spinal Cord Repair Project Funded

$24 Million Spinal Cord Repair Project Funded

January 12, 2022

An international multidisciplinary team led by Dr. John Madden, who leads the ICICS Bionics Network is working on a novel approach that may help people with spinal cord injury.

Raymond Chau Appointed Program Manager of UBC-Rogers Partnership

Raymond Chau Appointed Program Manager of UBC-Rogers Partnership

Jan 11, 2022

Raymond Chau has taken on the newly created position of Program Manager, UBC-Rogers 5G Partnership.

Dr. Peter Zandstra Appointed to Order of Canada
Dr. Peter Zandstra Appointed to Order of Canada

Dr. Peter Zandstra Appointed to Order of Canada

Peter Zandstra, Director of the University of British Columbia’s School of Biomedical Engineering (SBME), was appointed to the Order of Canada on December 29 for his significant contributions to stem cell bioengineering and regenerative medicine. Dr. Zandstra also co-leads the ICICS research cluster Biomedical Imaging and AI (BMIAI) with Tim Salcudean. This appointment is both a recognition […]

Professor Rob Rohling Reappointed as ICICS Director

Professor Rob Rohling Reappointed as ICICS Director

Professor Rob Rohling’s appointment as Director of the Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems (ICICS) has been extended for five years effective January 1, 2022. Professor Rohling commenced a 5-year term as ICICS Director in January 2017. Since that time, he has built on ICICS’ 30+ year history of cross-faculty and industry collaboration to […]